Abon merupakan makanan yang
terbuat dari daging yang diolah dengan cara direbus, disuwir-suwir , dibumbuin,
dan digoreng kering (proses pembuatan abon akan disampaikan secara detail pada
artikel selanjutnya). Pada saat ini
bukan hanya daging yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembuat abon, tetapi juga
ayam (abon ayam) dan ikan (abon ikan), tentuny dengan melalui
proses yang disesuaikan dengan jenis bahan dasarnya.
Dalam penyajiannya, abon banyak
digunakan sebagai lauk pendamping makan nasi, bubur, sebagai bahan toping roti
ataupun sebagai pemberi rasa pada makanan-makanan tertentu, seperti risoles, lemper
Ada beberapa daerah sentra
produksi abon di Indonesia, seperti Solo,
Boyolali, Salatiga, Karanganyar dan sekitarnya (abon sapi dan abon ayam). Sedangkan untuk abon ikan, sampai saat ini produksinya relative tersebar di seluruh
wilayah Indonesia. Hal ini karena abon ikan merupakan produk yang relative baru
dan daerah penghasil ikan yang hamper merata di seluruh daerah pesisir di
Untuk membuat penampilan yang
menarik, dan menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pasar, biasanya abon dijual dalam
berbagai ukuran dan bahan kemasan, antara lain:
1. Abon kemasan
sachet (kebanyakan ukuran 100 gram/sachet)
Contoh: Abon cap Ratu, Abon cap Sr. Super, Abon cap
Pedo, Abon cap Kenari, Abon cap Ratudua, Abon cap Ampel, Abon cap Mahkota, Abon
cap Wayang, dll
2. Abon
Kemasan Sedang (biasanya ukuran @ 1Kg/pack)
Contoh: Abon Sr. Super, Abon Pedo, Abon Kenari, Abon
Ratudua, Abon Permat, Abon Ayam
Special, Abon Ayam Reguler, Abon Ayam Abadi, dll
· 3. Abon Kemasan
Contoh: Abon Sr. Super
4. Abon Kemasan
Contoh: Abon Ayam Abadi
Floss is a specialy food there made from meat by boiling, shredded, spicing, and fried dried (detail process will be presented in next article). At this time not only the meat that can be used as floss fabric, but also chicken (chicken floss) and fish (fish floss), it mean with through a process tailored to the type of base ingredients.
In the presentation, shredded or floss widely used as a side dish accompanying rice, porridge, bread or as a toping as a flavoring in special foods, such as risoles, lemper etc.
There are several production centers shredded in Indonesia, such as Solo, Boyolali, Salatiga, Karanganyar and surrounding areas (shredded beef and shredded chicken). As for the shredded fish, relative to the current production spread throughout Indonesia. This is because the shredded fish is a relatively new product and those producing fish almost evenly distributed throughout the coastal areas of Indonesia.
To create an attractive appearance, and adjust to the needs of the market, usually shredded sold in various sizes and packaging materials, among others:
• shredded packaging sachet (most sizes of 100 grams / sachet)
Example: Abon cap Ratu, Abon cap Sr. Super, Abon cap Pedo, Abon cap Kenari, Abon cap Ratudua, Abon cap Ampel, Abon cap Mahkota, Abon cap Wayang, etc.
• Packaging Abon Medium (usually the size of @ 1Kg/pack)
Example: Abon Sr. Super, Abon Pedo, Abon Walnuts, Abon Ratudua, Abon Permat, Abon Chicken Special, Chicken Regular Abon, Abon Ayam Abadi, Abon Sr. Super, Abon Pedo, Abon Kenari, Abon Ratudua, Abon Permat, Abon Ayam Special, Abon Ayam Reguler, Abon Ayam Abadi, etc.
• Packaging Jar Abon
Example: Abon Sr. super
• Abon Packaging Cans
Example: Abon Ayam Abadi
Floss is a specialy food there made from meat by boiling, shredded, spicing, and fried dried (detail process will be presented in next article). At this time not only the meat that can be used as floss fabric, but also chicken (chicken floss) and fish (fish floss), it mean with through a process tailored to the type of base ingredients.
In the presentation, shredded or floss widely used as a side dish accompanying rice, porridge, bread or as a toping as a flavoring in special foods, such as risoles, lemper etc.
There are several production centers shredded in Indonesia, such as Solo, Boyolali, Salatiga, Karanganyar and surrounding areas (shredded beef and shredded chicken). As for the shredded fish, relative to the current production spread throughout Indonesia. This is because the shredded fish is a relatively new product and those producing fish almost evenly distributed throughout the coastal areas of Indonesia.
To create an attractive appearance, and adjust to the needs of the market, usually shredded sold in various sizes and packaging materials, among others:
• shredded packaging sachet (most sizes of 100 grams / sachet)
Example: Abon cap Ratu, Abon cap Sr. Super, Abon cap Pedo, Abon cap Kenari, Abon cap Ratudua, Abon cap Ampel, Abon cap Mahkota, Abon cap Wayang, etc.
• Packaging Abon Medium (usually the size of @ 1Kg/pack)
Example: Abon Sr. Super, Abon Pedo, Abon Walnuts, Abon Ratudua, Abon Permat, Abon Chicken Special, Chicken Regular Abon, Abon Ayam Abadi, Abon Sr. Super, Abon Pedo, Abon Kenari, Abon Ratudua, Abon Permat, Abon Ayam Special, Abon Ayam Reguler, Abon Ayam Abadi, etc.
• Packaging Jar Abon
Example: Abon Sr. super
• Abon Packaging Cans
Example: Abon Ayam Abadi